Tuesday, May 26, 2009

2nd Trimester Happy Dance!

I am officially in my 2nd Trimester and have actually been here for a week now. I have been looking forward to this for a little while now and I had my Doctor Appointment today to confirm that the heartbeat is strong and healthy and everything looks great! I am always so very nervous going into those appointments and it feels like hours when I am waiting for the nurse to find the heartbeat on the doppler. Then she finds and all is good! Plus to top it all off, I have my "Big Ultrasound" in less than a month and I can finally stop guessing and actually know if I am having a boy or a girl, assuming the baby cooperates of course. I do have to confess that I have already purchased an outfit, I just couldn't resist the most adorable hot pink polka dotted dress for $6 at K-Mart. The smallest size they had was a 12 Month so I guess it doesn't really count since she will basically not even be a baby by the time she wears it and there is still a 50% it's a boy but I really couldn't resist :)

I really don't have many symptoms any more unless you count the fact that I barfed up my fruit loops in the sink while brushing my teeth yesterday, but other than that, I haven't been feeling too bad. I do have this crazy back problem on my lower right side of back that bothers me lots if I walk a lot or do a Yoga video but it's not horrible. The 2nd Trimester is supposed to be the easiest and so far, so good.

I do feel like I am as a big as a house now. I thought I was fat before but now I am gaining wait everywhere! I thought it would just be in my belly, but no no, I see it on my hips and sides and nothing fits anymore. I am lucky to work from home because I live in sweatpants and have one pair of maternity pants that I wear any time I go out. They're the only jeans that fit me, I definitely need another trip to Old Navy to find some more like this. The good news is that through this entire 14 weeks, I have only gained 1 pound. Last Dr appointment I had gained 2 pounds and this time (a month later), I have lost a pound. I swore that I had gained 10 pounds but I am glad I haven't, I certainly don't need to yet.

I have another Dr appointment next week to do some type of blood test to check for things like spina bifida in the baby, I really don't care about something like this because it won't make a difference if there is something wrong except cause me to worry the entire time but he says it's only a blood test for me and he does it for all the patients so I guess I will just go. Maybe I'll get to hear the heartbeat again, that's my favorite part :) Then my next appointment will be at St. Josephs Women's Hospital on June 25th where they will do the big ultrasound and be able to check all the baby's cavities, brain, and private parts ;) Can't wait for that one! Then I'll have a new sonogram picture, those are my favorite too.

By the way, the baby is now the size of a lemon and looks like a human with all it's fingers and toes and even hair covering it's entire body. The baby can actually suck it's thumb and wriggle it's toes but I don't feel any movement yet. Probably in about a month I will be able to feel it, can't wait to see what that's like! For now, I am happy to know that the heartbeat is strong and it keeps growing.


Jess said...

Yay, yay, yay!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Im so proud of you.......love you!!!!