Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Photos 2009

We had professional Christmas photos taken but I wanted to do one myself just in case so we set up a tripod in the park and here are a few photos:




Saturday, December 5, 2009

New Photos



She already has a little attitude :)

Blue eyes!

My favorite!

Little Hand

Little Foot

I think she is trying to eat her quilt

Her first Thanksgiving


In her swing


If you know anything about me, you know that my weight has always been the biggest issue in my life since I was a teenager. In high school, I honestly thought I was fat but now I would give anything in the world to be that thin again, but I'm not. I feel so huge now and it's been almost 3 weeks with seemingly no progress on the shrinkage of this monstrous belly.

The good news is that I am now 4 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant but I do not look it. Unfortunately, I gain all my weight in my stomach and then throw in a big uterus and lots of extra flab and I am a cow! I have been reading baby message boards and so many women still have 10-15 pounds left to lose from their pre-pregnancy weight at this stage but also have completely lost their belly by 2 weeks! I know everyone is different but I thought that only gaining 13 pounds during the pregnancy and the fact that I am breastfeeding would help my stomach go away so much faster. Not happening!

At my last appointment, the Doctor said that my incision looked great and was healing very fast so I asked if I was ok to exercise, her response was "NO." Not until 6 weeks can I really do anything at all. Not that I was so big on exercising before, but something has to be done, especially since I already have a headstart with the little weight loss I experienced during the pregnancy. I am ok to walk as much as I want though and that's usually the only thing I am interested in anyways so I am going to work on that for the next few weeks, it's good for me and the baby loves being in her stroller. After the six weeks I know I will need to throw in lots of sit-ups with the walking if I ever want to fit into my jeans again. It would be really nice if I could fit into jeans a couple sizes smaller since I was obviously overweight before I got pregnant.

Hopefully in a couple weeks I'll post how excited I am to not be wearing maternity jeans any longer.