My Dad decided to take a quick last minute trip to Tennessee to watch the Superbowl with the family since the Colts were playing and they are all big fans. We tagged along. This was the Princess' first big road trip so I was leary about how she would do. We didn't end up leaving until about 10:00 that night by the time my Dad got home from work, we loaded the van, and put up the luggage rack. That actually ended up being a a good thing because Audriella slept the entire time and only woke once or twice to eat. She may have been comfortable but the rest of us had to share the van with two big dogs and only one seat that the baby and one other person could fit on. Plus the dogs snored the entire time and Doodle has some sort of nasal drip that poured out of his nose every 15 minutes. Honestly though, it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
We were only there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so we crammed everything we could in that extended weekend. We shopped, played games, had family dinners, went to church, out to eat, had a party, and watched the Colts get their butt's kicked. Everyone was crazy about the baby and Gabe even thought she was his baby sister since his mother is expecting one in the summer.
I wish we could have stayed longer, but we hope to go back this summer sometime.
Here are a few photos from the trip:

Aunt Stacy

Aunt Connie

Cousin Gabe

Nana and Papa

Grandma Donna

Family Photo

Cousin Amy and Aunt Stacy

Super cute outfit Aunt Connie got her
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