I will try and get you caught up on everything going on in our lives right now. Audriella just turned 4 months old and she is the cutest 4 month old ever! She laughs and plays all day long and has recently discovered her ability to scream to the top of her lungs. She squeals and squeals when she's happy and I think it is adorable.
Her recent milestone was turning over from her back to her tummy. There was one particular day a couple of weeks ago when she was determined to turn over, she tried and tried to turn over every time I put her down but her little arm would always get in the way. Eventually, she did it all by herself but then she got mad because she was on her tummy. She turned over a couple more times that day and then that was it, she hasn't really tried again since that day. I guess she just needed to know she could do it and now she is content.
Everything else is going great. She now sleeps in her own bed instead of with me every night, well sorta. She starts out in her own bed every night but then usually ends up in my bed at some point in the night, but at least that's better than only sleeping with me.
When I work, she has been staying with Daddy, Mimi, Aunt Jackie, Grandma Donna, Jacqui, Rosie, and Ginese. Everyone has been so willing to help out and watch her and that has made things a lot easier than having to put her in daycare, I just do not want to have to do that. She likes being out and she likes people who spoil her so it has been great for everyone.
I have decided that I should make little onesies that "Hello, my Name is Audriella. I am 4 months old. I sleep through the night and yes, I know I'm cute." It isn't so bad now but when she was a couple of months old everyone asked the same questions. They started with "Awww, she's so cute." Then it was "how old is she" usually followed with a response like "she's so tiny" or "she looks so much older" I have no idea how people can have such opposite opinions about the same baby but I think they just feel they have to say something and they probably say the same thing to every baby they see. The other questions I ALWAYS get is "Does she sleep through the night?" First of all, who cares? If I see a random cute baby at the store, I honestly do not care if they sleep through the night or not, why is this such a common question? And what does "sleeping through the night" even mean. Some people say if they sleep 6-8 hours, that is sleeping through the night. Some babies sleep 10-12 hours a night, there's no way they go that long without eating. My baby eats probably twice a night but her eyes are closed and she is basically still asleep the entire time, does this count as sleeping through the night?
For me, being a Mom is wonderful. I love everything about it, she is the best little girl ever and we have so much fun. The first month was a little rough but everything has gotten so much better now. She sleeps at night, nursing no longer hurts, I know what each of her different cries mean, and I usually know what she wants before she does.
Thanks so much for listening to my random babbling about mommyhood, I will try to keep this updated more often if anyone cares about what I have to say. Here are some photos to get updated on the last 4 months:
Christmas at Grandma and Papasaurous' House
Christmas at Mimi and Grandpa Scott's house
Christmas in Miami
Christmas at Aunt Jackie and Uncle David's House
One Month Photos
Two Month Photos
Three Month Photos
All the silly facial expressions in between:
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