Friday, November 13, 2009

Induction Scheduled

Had my last Doctor's appointment today, woohoo! I just had to come in for a "cervical exam," I put this in quotations because it sounds technical and all but is really just a Dr shoving her hand up you to feel your insides, extremely uncomfortable! My cervix was closed which means that we will be going to the hospital a little early to start me on cervidil to ripen my cervix, fun! Oh, and I did get the swine flu vaccine that I had previously refused.

So the plan is to go to St. Joseph's Women's Hospital at 8:30 on Sunday night. Walter will come and stay the night with me. They will start me on cervidil and if all goes well, I will start pitocin at 6:00am Monday morning. The pitocin will help induce labor once I am dilated. I hear that this causes the contractions to come quite quickly but it can still take a while to actually give birth.

The women I spoke with at St. Joseph's said not to expect a baby until probably late Monday. The Dr. I spoke with yesterday said not to expect her until Tuesday! I know that everyone is different and they are basing this on what normally happens but I am thinking they are right. My mom was in labor with me for 30 hours and I have a feeling my little monkey will be the same way, she'll come when she feels like it. We are definitely hoping to see our little girl Monday evening but I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Only a couple of days left and I am getting pretty nervous! I am glad to have completed the room and I think we are certainly prepared but it is going to be very weird having this child that I have had inside of me for 9 months pop out and live with us. I think I am going to have an anxiety attack just thinking about it. I am trying not to be crazy but scheduling the birth of your child is so weird, I think it makes me more nervous than if I was just to sit around and wait to go into labor. Two days will go by quickly and then next week I will be posting photos of our little girl, I can't wait!

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