Monday, November 9, 2009

Hello Kitty Baby Shower

I had a second shower this past weekend at Lauren's house that Christi and Lauren threw for me. They did such a great job!!!! There were so many details they planned out, AMAZING food (yes, I cheated on my diet the Dr said it was ok), great games and fun company. I had such a great time and am so thankful for such great friends!

They made these invitations, so cute!

Christi actually made these Hello Kitty favors, they were adorable!

Christi made this way cool diaper cake, prettiest one I've ever seen!

The food was so great! Christi made almost everything including the flower shaped chips, cut out fruit and it was all delicious!

Vivian made this FANTASTIC cupcake cake, it was very good (yes, I had one)

Me in front of the banner they made. My face seems to be getting fat, yuck!

They had tons of cool games planned, this was from the "Guess the Baby Food" game

I got tons of great gifts, they were all so generous!

All the awesome girls who came :)

Me with Christi and Lauren who hosted the shower, they are the best! I am looking a little rugged here.

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