So in case I have been especially lame, tired, moody, or complaining of constant gas pains, here is my excuse:

Yes, that is the actual stick I peed on to prove that I am in fact pregnant. To give you a few details, I am 12 weeks which is almost in my 2nd trimester (yay), and my due date is November 22nd (the day before my birthday). I had very little morning sickness (vomited only a couple of times), and have overall been feeling good but tired. I feel like I am gaining my energy back now because I do not have to take afternoon naps any longer (although they are nice sometimes) and my gas pains went away a few weeks ago. I have had two Doctor's appointments so far and everything is great! I had a sonogram at the first appointment but the second was this past Friday and all that was necessary was to listen to the baby's heartbeat which was strong and healthy! The Dr says everything looks great! I am also scheduled for some type of "high tech" sonogram at St. Joseph's Women's Hospital on June 25th where they will be able to check the baby's brain, etc and tell me if it's a boy or girl. We are very excited about that! I would love love love a little girl but as long as it's healthy I will be happy.
About the baby; the baby is currently the size of a plum and her/his little hands and feet are no longer webbed and they can open and close their fingers and curl their toes. My uterus is also bigger than a grapefruit right now and my jeans can definitely tell, I only have about one pair that actually fits, yikes!

Here's the Sonogram I had at 9 1/2 weeks, the baby looks like a hamster to me but they assured me it was human. Now that I am 12 weeks, the head and body are more proportionate, the hands and feet can move about, and it looks more like a human but this is the only picture I have until 18 weeks so it will have to be my hamster baby for now.
Well, I will try and keep this Blog updated pretty regularly but it will mostly be baby stuff since it is obviously consuming my life right now, hope you don't mind and thanks for sharing in our exciting news!
Congrats to you both how exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!! I owe you babysitting!
I am so excited for you! I kept myself a "baby blog" during pregnancy, and still keep it up for my records. It's easier to update than the baby book, because I am such a perfectionist with that!
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