Well, I was asked to drink plenty of water before they did the Ultrasound so I drank an entire bottle of water while waiting and then it took quite a while for them to call me back. Mission accomplished, my bladder was FULL! The sonographer was so nice and the first thing she asked was if we wanted to know the gender to which we replied "YES!" Of course she made no promises but said she'd try to let us know the gender.
I was so nervous when she started the sonogram, I mainly wanted to see the baby moving and "it's" heartbeat. We were in luck, not only was she moving around like a little monkey but she was also sticking her little butt out clearly showing her "girly parts." Walter noticed right away that she was a girl and the tech confirmed, how exciting!!!!
The ultrasound continued for about half an hour showing us every single inch of our baby girl, she has all her fingers, all her toes, all her organs and looks to be a perfectly healthy baby girl. It was the most amazing thing to see her move and flip and scratch her eyes. I can't feel her move yet so it was very nice to see her moving around like crazy in there. I am sure I will feel her lots soon but for now, I'm happy to know she's having a little party in there.
By the time she was almost done with the sonogram, it had become painful. My bladder was sooo full! I was ready to be done and spread the good news about our baby girl. We were told to wait a few minutes so the doctor could check the baby's anatomy and make sure everything was ok. A few minutes later we were cleared to go and told everything looked good.
Hope you enjoy some photos of our adorable little baby girl:

Here she is actually laying still for a minute

This is her posing for us. She put her little hand right under her chin to pose for the photo, so cute and definitely getting ready to be my little model

Awww......cute little foot

Here is proof that she's a girl!!!