Someone's ready to party!

Too freakin' cute!!!

Party time!

Happy Birthday Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!

Alexandria and Rosie, too cute!

I love this one of Arian!

Arian's a little lost

Dancing in the front

Dancing with Chcuk E'

Scott and my mom


Like father like son

Melissita and Walter

Georgette and Melissa

Melissita and Miguel

Rosie stuffs her face with pizza....

.......then proceeds to smile with a mouth full of pizza, cute!

All the kids!

Georgette, Dominique, and Analynn - I loooove Analynn's expression!

Oh my, is this what happens when they turn 5???

Make a wish!

Amanda's favorite thing at Chuck E Cheese



This one is quite large!!

All right, a game!

Can you tell he's enthused about opening presents........

I have no idea what she's doing!

Abuelo and Rosie

Father & Sons


Woohoo, one last shot before the afternoon festivities were completed.