Monday, July 9, 2007

Here are some recent photos of our new baby, 'Mater! He is such an adorable, bi fat baby and he just turned three months. We have named him a million things and most the time just resorted to calling him puppy but I think it has now officially been decided that his name is 'Mater, like tomater without the "to."

Playing with his mom

This is my FAVORITE, what a crazy boy!

Can you tell this is his favorite spot!?

Playing with daddy

Amanda & Miku (Josh's baby)

Nap time with Oh the Bella

Oh the Bella's so bad!

But she's so cute too!

Miku and 'Mater (brother and sister)


I love this little conehead

In the car, excited about going to the dog park

I love this one! This captivates his whole personality in this one photo.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Summer Time

Who doesn't love summer!?

Playing in Kristie's pool

A hard summer day at the pool can be very exhausting.

The water slide on Family Day at the Dwelling Place

Playing "Cops" with his dad

Mom and Scott

Grandma and Nadine

Papa and Nicholas

Papa and Amanda

On our way to see fireworks!

They are so cute!

Happy 4th of July!