Here are a few photos from the spring photo session I attempted today with the kids. They actually cooperated rather well and I got a few good shots. A few wall-worthy ones (thank God because my new walls are soooooo bare, I can't stand it!). Let me know what you think. I will post more later because I have a few of Zacha too but this is all I had time for now (gotta get going to decorate for Donna's suprise party, shhhh!). This one is going in Amanda's "puppy room." This one is being made into a canvas print for my wall. This is my FAVORITE! Awwwww! Tiger (Walter's favorite) A little too bright outside but still cute.
We took the kids bowling and Stacie came too. I didn't get many pictures because I was yelled at for having a camera in a bowling alley, what the heck? That's why the last several are blurry, because I had to turn my flash off, oh well. I know this is out of focus but it's still cute Amanda I don't remember why she did that Like my socks? Stacie I love the tiny bowling shoe Silly I know Nicholas is all blurry but it's funny to see how fast he tried to get away from Stacie's kiss (he secretly thinks she's pretty)
We had Rosie and Miguel over the other night to celebrate Walter's 29th birthday and Josh and John stopped by too. We had a lot of fun and the kids had a blast!
Rosie and Analynn I made that all by myself frim scratch, tehe :) Pretty Walter, Jon, Jon's girl, Josh, and Miguel Rosie, Amanda, Arian, and Analynn Nicholas and Alexandria "Happy birthday to you" Make a wish! Analynn Trying out Walter's birthday present.
They're finally here! Baby Girl's puppies have arrived and they are adorable! Unfortunately, we were out of town when she delivered and she was alone until her wonderful Aunt Stacie came to help deliver the last three puppies. She had eleven puppies all together but the runt did not make it :(. They are sooo precious and look like Rocco, here are the first few photos and there will be many more to come. Leave comments and let me know who cute they are, I am a proud grandparent! Oh, and if you want one, let me know!
We visited Orlando this past weekend to celebrate Walter's twin cousins' birthday at Sea World. Several of his family members came too so it was fun. Seth and Mario, the birthday boys. Walter, D'Lani, & Jasmine D'Lani is trying to push Jasmine Jasmine Miguel, Rosie, and Arian checking out the sharks. Walter and Abuela Walter and I before the dolphin show I caught the dolphins jumping, tehe. Arian D'Lani, Analynn, and Arian Robert
The girls with the "birds" from the show. Stephanie, posing the shot. Miguel was having a blast!